Partha Pratim Das


Associate Professor

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Professional Experience: 

* Associate Professor at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India (2024 - till date)
* Assistant Professor at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India (2013 - 2024)
* Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Groningen, The Netherlands (2012 - 2013)
* Research Assistant at University of Cincinnati, USA (2008 - 2012)
* CSIR Junior Research Fellow at IIT Delhi, India (2007 - 2008)

Contact Details



Academic Background

* PhD (Electrical Engineering): University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (2012)
* MSc (Physics): University of Delhi, Delhi, India (2006)
* BSc (Physics): University of Gauhati, Guwahati, India (2003)

Areas of Interest

• Micro- and nanofabrication of semiconductor devices
• Nanoelectronics and cryogenic physics
• Material science and engineering

Significant Projects

Major External Projects:
[1] Transition metal oxide based devices for nonvolatile resistive random access memory applications. (Duration: 2017-2021, Funding Agency: DST-SERB, Govt. of India, Role: PI)
[2] Design and fabrication of two terminal thin film based nonvolatile memory devices. (Duration: 2019-2022, Funding Agency: VGST, Govt. of Karnataka, Role: PI)
[3] Development of high-quality hexagonal boron-nitride films for solid state neutron detectors. (Duration: 2024-2027, Funding Agency: BRNS-DAE, Govt. of India, Role: Co-PI)

[1] Method of preparation of activated carbon supported vanado-nickelate (IV) nanohybrid electrode for high-performance supercapacitor device application (Inventors: Sib Sankar Mal, Partha Pratim Das, Sukanya Maity, and Neetu B M.), Indian Patent No. 483902, Grant Date: 16/12/2023

Supervision of Ph.D

Completed: 3
[1] Sterin N S (Post-PhD position: Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Oregon, USA)
[2] Sukanya Maity (Post-PhD position: Postdoctoral Fellow at Linkoping University, Sweden)
[3] Bhimaraya Biradar (thesis submitted)

Ongoing: 3

Significant Publications

[1] P. P. Das, K. B. Chetry, N. Bhandari, J. Wan, M. Cahay, R. S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert, Understanding the anomalous conductance plateauin asymmetrically biased InAs/In0.52Al0.48Asquantum point contact ― a step towards a tunable all electric spin valve, Applied Physics Letters 99, 122105 (2011).
[2] P. P. Das, N. K. Bhandari, J. Wan, J. Charles, M. Cahay, K. B. Chetry, R. S.Newrockand S. T. Herbert,Influenceof surface scattering on the anomalous conductance plateaus in an asymmetrically biased InAs/In0.52Al0.48As quantum point contact,
Nanotechnology 23, 215201 (2012).
[3] N. Bhandari, P. P. Das, M. Cahay, R. S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert, Spin polarization in a AlGaAs/GaAs quantum point contact with in-plane side gates, Applied Physics Letters 101, 102401 (2012).
[4] S. Maity, Madhushree J. E., B. R. Biradar, P. R Chandewar, D. Shee, P. P. Das, S. S. Mal, Polyoxomolybdate Polypyrrole Graphene Oxide Nanohybrid Electrode for High-Power Symmetric Supercapacitors, Energy Fuels 35, 18824 (2021).
[5] Sterin N. S., N. Basu, M. Cahay, M. N. Satyanarayan, S. S. Mal, P. P. Das, Redox-active vanadium-based polyoxometalate as an active element in resistive switching based nonvolatile molecular memory, Physica Status Solidi A 217, 2000306 (2020).
[6] P. P. Das, M. Cahay, S. Kalita, S. S. Mal, A. K. Jha, Width dependence of the 0.5(2e2/h) conductance plateau in InAs quantum point contacts in presence of lateral spin-orbit coupling, Scientific Reports 9, 12172 (2019).


1. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), The Netherlands to work at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands (duration 2012-2013).
2. Best poster award at the 2011 MMM Conference at Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
3. Research Assistantship from University of Cincinnati, USA to work as Graduate Student during 2008-2012.
4. Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India (CSIR) in 2006 to work at IIT Delhi during 2007-2008.
5. First Class 3rd position with Distinction marks at BSc (Physics) from Gauhati University, Assam, India in 2003.


Contact us

Dr. Kartick Tarafder, Associate Professor and Head
Department of Physics, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473052

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